
Questions about stretch marks

There was a time last year where I was really focused on gaining. Did heavy cream and everything. I put on about 20lbs in a few months. I eventually dialed it down and stabilized at that weight. Whats weird is that I only started to get stretch marks months after my weight gain. Is that typical? I understand stretch marks can come from rapid weight gain, but even months after i stopped gaining?

Also been having a whole bunch all over from thighs, to love handles, to under belly, and even under my arm all ranging in different colors and sizes. But weirdly enough the only ones that hurt are the ones on my bicep. Do stretch marks hurt for other people as well?

Stretch marks aren't so much a sign of rapid growth as they are a sign of gaining faster than your skin can keep up. So your skin tears a bit. This causes stretch marks.

If they hurt, I would wager you don't have a very good skin care regime. It's important to keep your skin well moisturized. I'd also recommend seeing a dermatologist.
1 year